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Need details about PWM output of GRBL and Estlcam

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by Mehadi Saki, Aug 31, 2017.

  1. Mehadi Saki


    Apr 27, 2017
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    I am using Estlcam v10 with Arduino uno and GRBL1.1
    I face some problem. Plz anyone help me.

    Problem 1- How to use low power triggered relay for Spindle on/off?

    Problem 2- How I use PWM output for spindle? I mean wiring of spindle. Is there need any external PWM hardware? I need more details.

  2. phil from seattle

    phil from seattle Journeyman

    Mar 17, 2017
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    I don't have all the answers as I'm trying to figure this stuff out myself.

    #1, if you mean what do you hook up, on grbl 1.1, set spindle max speed to 0 and the PWM output pin is toggled on-off rather than PWM. This needs to be fed to a relay driver as the pin doesn't source enough current to directly drive a relay coil - could damage your Arduino. I'd look for a relay module that you can hook to a microcontroller as it will have a built in driver. Tons on ebay - look for "arduino relay board". Be sure to choose a relay that can handle your spindle current draw. Also, match the trigger voltage to your arduino (probably 5V but could be 3.3V).

    #2 this is pretty specific to your spindle, need more details.

    [edit] be sure to check your grbl configuration, there are a number of options that affect this area.
    #2 phil from seattle, Aug 31, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2017

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